Tailored to your institution
Music Truck for schools
For all ages
Tailored to your institution
For all ages
The music van arrives at the school and with it a team of educators and musicians who carry out a customised programme with one or more classes.
Children and adults climb aboard the Music Truck full of curiosity and are surprised at first. It’s empty! This is true, because apart from small musical objects in the colourful drawers and some technical equipment, the Music Truck offers above all one thing: space for your own ideas. In workshops lasting between one and day several days, pupils are shown how to listen deep within themselves and to make music together using simple means. Listening and reacting to one other like in an orchestra, they explore materials to create their sounds and find new musical forms. Musicians from the orchestra join in and play along. The results are performed at the end of the project. For this, the stage flap of the truck opens and turns the playground into an open-air concert venue.
The offer is modular in structure and individually tailored to your institution. We especially encourage projects lasting several days with one class so that the pupils can have high degree of active involvement and the effect of the experience can be long lasting. However, individual workshops for all the classes of one school, or one-off playground concerts are also possible.
Weekly ticket: 5 half-days for a group
Half-day ticket: 1 morning or afternoon for a group
Single ticket: 45 minutes