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Schubert – Liszt – Wagner mit Llŷr Williams

Past Event
Sun, 21. January 2024 | 11:00 UhrHotel Schweizerhof, Luzern

Le Piano Symphonique

  • Franz Schubert (1797 ‒ 1828), arr. Franz Liszt (1811 ‒ 1886)

    • Lieder: «Das Wandern» | 2'

    • «Der Müller und der Bach» | 6'

    • «Liebesbotschaft» | 3'

    • «Aufenthalt» | 4'

    • «Ständchen» | 6'

    • «In der Ferne» | 7'

    • «Auf dem Wasser zu singen» | 5'

    • «Erlkönig» | 5'

    • «Ave Maria» | 6'

  • Richard Wagner (1813 ‒ 1883), arr. Franz Liszt

    • Fantasie über Themen aus «Rienzi» | 9’

    • Spinnerlied aus «Der fliegende Holländer» | 6’

    • «O du mein holder Abendstern» aus «Tannhäuser» | 7’

    • Elsas Brautzug zum Münster aus «Lohengrin» | 9’

    • Liebestod aus «Tristan und Isolde» | 8’

The estimated duration of this program is 95 minutes, including break.

Franz Liszt’s piano arrangements of songs and opera melodies were discredited for a long time: they were dismissed as circus-like glittering work on white and black keys, as a second rehash of the musical original. It was not considered that such transformations of musical works have a long tradition and are not an innovation of the piano-obsessed 19th century. And Liszt always had a noble goal in mind: he wanted to bring music with a large or little-known cast closer to the public by performing it in arrangements in his legendary piano recitals. In doing so, he remained true to his own artistic standards: his song and opera arrangements reveal the ingenious master hand of the century-old pianist in every measure. Accordingly, he called his transcriptions “partition de piano”, and his opera transcriptions in particular are impressive teaching pieces in terms of tonal color variety and orchestral piano playing. For Liszt it was always clear that good piano playing is not limited to playing the piano.

  • Mécène Fondatrice et Principale
    • Logo ADF_Version Schwarz
  • Anchor sponsor
  • Sponsor
    • Kurt and Silvia Huser-Oesch Stiftung
    • Maestro’s & Director’s Impulse Fund, Adrian and Isabelle Weiss-Zweifel
    • Michael and Emmy Lou Pieper Fonds
    • Nadia Guth-Biasini
    • Marc Rich Foundation